Friday, November 29, 2019

Writing for Charity

Writing is a special gift. It’s a gift that allows some of us to feed ourselves and our families. It’s a gift that keeps some of us out of a traditional work environment or brings in a second income. But the value of this gift doesn’t have to stop at providing for ourselves or those immediately under our care – we can use this gift for charitable purposes, too. Take, for example, the site Ukraine Orphans. This site features books by volunteers who have dedicated parts of their lives to helping this unfortunate group of children – some who need medical care, infant formula, or simply the world to know they are there, waiting for something better to come along. Proceeds of the books go into funds that help Ukraine orphans. Another example of how we, as writers, can use our skills to benefit others, can be found at Kiva is a program that provides microloans to individuals in impoverished regions of the world. This organization needs volunteers who can translate, but these volunteers must also have proficiency in English. Sometimes, Kiva will also need volunteers to help edit business proposals. And they only ask for about 8 hours of volunteer time per month! We can also use our writing skills on a more personal level. Women for Women International and Children International both incorporate the act of letter writing into their sponsorship programs. More than money, with writing it is possible to give encouragement and hope to others. Locally, we can write to make our communities aware of projects or initiatives. We can volunteer to write newletters for organizations, animal shelters, or churches. We can use our skills to help others craft well-written grant proposals, not-for-profit websites, and advertisements.

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